Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes We Can!!!

Well, it was nice to have an uneventful election. No recounts, no riots, just Obama winning and a renewed sense of optimism this country hasn't seen this decade. Here are a few songs that we will always have to remember George W. Bush by:

"Devils and Dust" by Bruce Springsteen - An old fashion anti-war ballad that could have fit the Vietnam War too. I really think Bruce's endorsement of Obama is responsible for at least a million of his votes - nobody can convince me otherwise.

"Capital G" by Nine Inch Nails - Here's a trick that gave Trent new life in his career: make horrifying music about how screwed America is, then give it a dance beat. Any song from that album would fit this list.

"Sins Of Our Fathers" by Tom Waits - The title pretty much says it all. This song didn't need eleven minutes to make its point, but I'm glad it goes that long.

"Holiday" by Green Day - He compares Bush to Hitler, and this song becomes a huge radio hit uncensored. Am I the only one who thinks that's crazy?

"When The President Talks To God" by Bright Eyes - The least subtle and most brutal of the GW Bush slanders, it sounds like an enraged drunk man trying to preach.

Thanks for the memories Bush! Now that rock musicians like the President, what are they going to sing about? This isn't going to be like the 90s where all rock musicians do is cry about the girl who left them, right? I guess we'll see.

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