Sunday, October 25, 2009

A few hyped releases

Here's a few releases from the past few weeks that critics have been raving about:

Girls' Album: Every review I've read of this record has made mention of the fact that the members of this band (neither of the duo are girls, by the way) grew up with parents in the California cult Children of God. That information hardly matters when listening to the drugged out emotionally lost lyrics of this record. The singer is a less in-tune version of early Elvis Costello and the music is bright 60's California pop. The building sing-along ballad "Hellhole Ratrace" and the distorted burst "Morning Light" are well-written and fun, but most of this album isn't something you'd want to hear more than once or twice. Maybe this is a band to look out for a few records down the road.

Fuck Buttons' Tarot Sport: Message for electronic music - please go away. Just go away. Every year, I listen to an electronic album just to make sure I still hate it. Yes, I do. And why would you name your band this? Let's just move on.

The XX (self titled): There has been a lack of bands this decade taking on that spare, late-night London sound that Portishead perfected a decade ago, which is probably why this band is a breath of fresh air. Staccato guitar riffs, spare beats instead of a real drummer, and the interplay between two hushed vocalists (some perfect male/female chemistry) make for one of the most innovative and relistenable records of the year. There are some standout tracks, particularly the single "Basic Space", but this entire record flows as one piece and sets a dark yet romantic mood made for after-hours intimacy. This band has hype worth believing in.

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