Friday, July 4, 2008

A few quick reviews

Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair: Antony (of Antony & The Johnsons fame) does an outstanding vocal performance on this DFA released dance/disco release. However, he only sings on about half the tracks, and some of the instrumentals drag on too long for this album (although I'm sure they are just long enough in the club). If you are already a fan of current New York indie dance music, get this album. If not, this might not be the place to start.

Bill Frisell - History, Mystery: Calling this album jazz is oversimplifying - like all of his best albums, it combines American folk, country, jazz, and classical. It sounds more like a soundtrack to a dark Coen brothers movie that hasn't been made yet. If you love any of those aforementioned genres or you love music that is challenging while still being peaceful, try this one out. However, if you can track down his 1992 album Have A Little Faith, try that first.

Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer: This is what I've come to expect from an anticipated sophomore release: less adventurous, more streamlined, fewer weak moments, but also less highlights than the debut (in this case, no gems like "Grounds For Divorce" or "I'll Believe In Anything"). Albums like this always take me a while to decide on: I could end up loving it like I did Arcade Fire's Neon Bible, or I could end up hating it like Gnarls Barkley's second album. I'll get back to you on this one...

July brings us new records by Beck and Hold Steady. Have a great Fourth of July weekend!

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