Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 decent summer records to try out

Passion Pit's Manners - The spirit of Prince is alive and well this year: heavy synth pop and male falsetto vocals have been done by a dozen indie bands in the past few months (most better than Prince's last record, oddly enough). If we could get the singer of Passion Pit to calm down a little, this might be the best one. The vocals get a little grating after a few tracks, but "Little Secret" and "To Kingdom Come" are some of the best songs to escape the mid-1980s. Try these tracks and see how they work for you and look out for this band in the future. By the way, the children's choir motif works better than you would think here.

Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - A French rock band? Finally! They sound like a more subtle, clean version of Franz Ferdinand. The dance bass rhythms of "Fences" might make your ass move, but this band surprising is a little lacking in the sexiness and excitement departments. Most of the record comes off as adequate but not exhilarating. The exception is the driving curveball instrumental "Love Like A Sunset Part 1", but after that it's pretty much business as usual. If you need a pop-rock record to act as consistent background music for your next party, this might do it.

Both of these records are good but lack stunning moments, but either one might grow one you. Sample them first and then buy.

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